Niue Weather in April©
Niue Weather in April

Niue Weather in April


What is the Weather Like in Niue in April?

The smart travellers head to Niue in April, why? Because it is the last month of the wet season. This means that the weather gets better but the tourist hotspots are still deserted. It also means that the prices are still at their “low season” level. Expect rainfall to happen for an hour or two every couple of days, temperatures to be super high and the hours of daylight to be quite long. It’s the perfect cocktail to make the most of your time in Niue!

Speaking of cocktails, you’ll be getting that sunset view all to yourself since the high season is not starting until mid-May. All this and more makes April a great time for couples looking for a romantic gateway, backpackers looking to avoid the crowds, or families looking for some quality holiday time.

In this guide, we cover the Niue weather in April including temperature, precipitation, UV levels and much more. But before that, be sure to bookmark Niue Weather by Month: What is the Weather Like in Niue? and The Best Time to Visit Niue for more climate advice.

7 Tips for Travelling Niue in April

  1. Be aware that the kaloama season can start in April, which means some sea tracks will be closed
  2. Look out for discounted airfares and accommodation combos. April is still considered the low season in Niue meaning that promo deals are quite common at this time of the year
  3. Don’t be put off by the hot and humid weather that April brings, as most hotels have air conditioning or ceiling fans for a peaceful night. Plus, there are plenty of ways to cool down, from turquoise rock pools to delicious cocktails
  4. The UV levels are quite high in April so make sure to apply sunscreen regularly and keep the kids checked too
  5. Mosquitos are quite active during the wet season which includes April. As such, we’ve made a list of tips to avoid mosquito bites in Niue.
  6. Niue celebrates Easter Monday (often falling in April but sometimes in May) as a public holiday. Most businesses will close on that day as Niue is a very religious country. Around April 25, Niue also celebrates ANZAC Day as a public holiday. It is best to plan a self-guided tour and have a meal in your hotel rather than in town for those days
  7. Whatever the season, look out for rough sea warnings issued by the Niue Met Service and National Disaster Management Office via radio or their Facebook Pages; these are usually days to avoid swimming.
Niue Weather in April©

Typical Temperatures in April

April is bliss in Niue. The weather is close to its hottest and the nights start cooling down. Best of all, there is almost no difference in temperature between the air and the sea. The daily temperatures can go up to 28°C / 82°F while the nights are getting cooler, as low as 22°C / 72°F. If you are looking for a true South Pacific island experience, the weather does not get any more “typical” than that.

Temperatures in Alofi

  • Average maximum temperature: 28°C / 82°F
  • Average temperature: 26°C / 79°F
  • Average minimum temperature: 22°C / 72°F

Sea Temperature in April

Niue is an underwater paradise and April is a great month (if not the best month) to explore it. You can expect the water temperature to be similar to the air temperature at 28°C / 82°F. This makes diving or snorkelling a breeze even for the younger ones that often get cold faster.

Niue Weather in April(c)

Hours of Sun in April

April is the perfect example of why travelling at the end of the wet season is a great idea. It benefits from the long days of daylight and the high number of sunshine hours that the wet season offers, so you don’t have to compromise and time for everything! In April, you can expect the average daylight in Niue to be about 12 hours and the sunshine hours to reach up to 6 hours per day which gives you plenty of time to make the most of your time on the island.

UV Levels During April

April’s UV levels are slowly going down from the “extreme” levels reached at the beginning of the year. Expect UV levels to be around 10 on the UV index, which will still require you to take precautions such as regularly applying sunscreen and wearing a sunhat.

Make sure to check out our list of reef-safe sunscreens so you can protect both your skin and the stunning underwater world of Niue. If you are on a family holiday, then also check our list of sunscreens specially designed to protect kids’ skins.

Sunrise and Sunset During April

In April, you can expect an average of 12 hours of daylight.

  • Sunrise: 6:25 am at the beginning of January and 6:35 am at the end of April
  • Sunset: 6:20 pm at the beginning of January and 6:00 pm at the end of April.
Niue Weather in April©

Rainfall in April

Alright, so yes, it does rain in April but it only rains every couple of days at the most, and when it does, the rainfall is usually short and warm. In some cases, you may even welcome the rain with open arms as it will help you cool down from the high daily temperatures. April offers a real tropical experience and shows why and how those islands get as luxuriant as they do. Simply put, April is why Niue looks that good.

In April, you can expect an average of 246 mm / 9.7 in of rainfall in Niue. For comparison, that’s a third less than a month before in March. On average, April in Niue sees 13 days with some rainfall.

Rainfall in Alofi

  • Average rainfall in April: 246 mm / 9.7 in
  • Average rain days: 13.
Niue Weather in April(c)

Tropical Storms in April

The South Pacific cyclone season starts in November and ends in April, making April the final month with a higher risk of tropical storms. On average, however, less than 1 day in April in Niue is affected by tropical storms.

Luckily, Niue is well prepared for these kinds of weather events. Category 5 Cyclone Heta, which struck Niue in 2004, was a demonstration of the island’s preparedness with very limited loss of lives.

In the unlikely event of a warning being issued during your stay, your accommodation or tour staff will escort you to safe zones on higher ground and issue further instructions.

See How to Prepare for a Cyclone in Niue for more advice on the subject.

Niue Weather in April©

The Best Things to Do in April

Making the most of the last month of the rainy season in Niue is very much linked to your attitude. Yes, it may rain from time to time, but if you are willing to look past the short bursts of rain, then the whole island is your oyster. The local forest is as lush as ever having enjoyed a huge amount of rain and heat to feed its growth, the waters are as warm as the air, and the days are still very long so you can make your day as packed or as relaxed as you want them to be…

Rainforest Tours – The Huvalu Forest Conservation Area and its surroundings are the settings for great local tours that will allow you to explore the depths of this incredible tropical setting while gazing at the greenest forest you’ll probably ever see. You will learn about ancient farming techniques amongst the native bush and taste awesome local delicacies (and some bitter ones too).

Snorkelling – With the water temperature being literally the same as the air temperature, it would be silly not to… Grab a mask and snorkel from your accommodation and head to one of the many world-class snorkelling spots around the island to discover the vivid and lively underwater world of this raised coral atoll.

Get on the Water! – Should it be in a vaka (canoe), on a fishing charter, or on a snorkelling or whale-watching tour, you’ve got to experience Niue from the water. The local civilisation was created by its elements and the one that provides the most is the ocean. Go explore the coastline and if you fall off, we promise, the water will be so warm and you’ll be so hot that you won’t even be sorry!

If that’s enough, take a look at the 101 Things to Do in Niue: The Ultimate List.

Niue Weather in April(c)

April Packing List for Niue

On top of our comprehensive Packing List for a Trip to Niue, we’ve made a quick list for you to know what is essential to pack if you are planning a trip there in April:

  • High-factor reef-safe sunscreen
  • Light bamboo, linen or merino layers (we like the sustainable bamboo clothing of Moso Morrow)
  • Light long-sleeved tops (to cover from sun and mosquitoes)
  • Light pants/trousers (to cover the knees when appropriate – church service, etc.)
  • Sunhat
  • Sunglasses
  • Insect repellent
  • Swimwear
  • Rash vest (we like the UV-protecting Sharkskin rashies)
  • Rain jacket or travel-sized umbrella
  • Closed walking shoes
  • Reef shoes
  • Sarong (paleu) or other light clothing to wear over your swimwear when passing through villages – see What are the Local Customs in Niue? for more information.

More About the Weather in Niue in April

That’s it for our complete guide to the weather and climate in Niue in April. Check out the following articles for more weather advice:

Finally, enjoy a comprehensive guide to planning a trip to Niue in The Best Niue Travel Guide: Plan a Trip to Niue the EASY Way.


Robin C.

This article was reviewed and published by Robin, the co-founder of Niue Pocket Guide. He has lived, worked and travelled across 16 different countries before settling in the South Pacific, so he knows a thing or two about planning the perfect trip in this corner of the world. He is also consulting regularly with Niue Tourism to ensure content accuracy. Robin is also the co-founder of several other South Pacific travel guides and is a regular host of webinars with the South Pacific Tourism Organisation.

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