Niue Weather in January(c)
Niue Weather in January

Niue Weather in January


What is the Weather Like in Niue in January?

January is right in the middle of the local wet season where you can expect changeable weather going from high heat to heavy rainfall and back to high heat within only a couple of hours. But don’t fret, in most cases, the short rainfall is not here to ruin your holiday. They are actually a welcome refresher from the high temperatures.

The changeable weather makes January one of the quietest months to travel Niue which should ensure a romantic time away from the crowds for couples on a getaway or enjoy a more relaxed family holiday. January offers the luxury of “having the place all to yourself” per se.

In this guide, we will cover the typical January temperatures, rainfall and storm in Niue and include tips on travelling and packing for the Niue weather in January. But before that, be sure to bookmark Niue Weather by Month: What is the Weather Like in Niue? and The Best Time to Visit Niue for more climate advice.

6 Tips for Travelling Niue in January

  1. The high UV level warrants high-factor (reef-safe) sunscreen to be worn whenever you’re outside
  2. Although January is one of the quietest months of the year, you can expect the first week of January to be quite busy with locals visiting home for the New Year’s holidays
  3. January is known as a “hot and humid” month in Niue but most accommodations have air conditioning or ceiling fans for a peaceful night of sleep
  4. Mosquitos are quite active in January due to the hot and humid climate, so pack insect repellent. Check out our tips on How to Avoid Mosquito Bites in Niue
  5. Like in most countries, there are two public holidays in the first week of January, so expect all shops and restaurants, as well as most tours, to be closed. Plan a self-guided tour and a meal in your hotel’s restaurant for those days
  6. Whatever the season, look out for rough sea warnings issued by the Niue Met Service and National Disaster Management Office via radio or their Facebook Pages; these are usually days to avoid swimming.
Niue Weather in January©

Typical Temperatures in January

January is the third-warmest month in Niue with a maximum average temperature of 29°C / 84°F and a minimum average temperature of 24°C / 75°F. Expect tropical hot and humid weather in January.

Temperatures in Alofi

  • Average maximum temperature: 29°C / 84°F
  • Average temperature: 27°C / 81°F
  • Average minimum temperature: 24°C / 75°F

Sea Temperature in January

There’s never a bad time to jump in the water in Niue. In fact, January is poised with some of the warmer waters of the year. Picky swimmers that only jump in tropical warm waters will appreciate the average sea temperature of 28°C / 82°F for the whole month.

Niue Weather in January(c) Pixabay

Hours of Sun in January

If you are coming to Niue for the sun then January will not disappoint. Although branded as the rainy season, January offers an average of over 7 hours of bright sunshine per day and 13 hours of daylight. This is up to twice more than in the dry season and more than enough to make the most of your trip!

UV Levels During January

It is advised to wear sunscreen all year round in Niue but in January it is more important to keep on top of your sun protection. The UV levels in January are at their highest ranging from 11 to 12 UV index which is considered as “extreme”. If you are on the market for great sun protection, we’ve got tips for you on how to pick a safe sunscreen for your kids or a selection of environmentally conscious sunscreen that will protect the precious Niuean coral reefs.

Sunrise and Sunset During January

In January you will be blessed with 13 hours of daylight.

  • Sunrise: 5:45 am at the beginning of January and 6:00 am at the end of January
  • Sunset: 7:00 pm at the beginning of January and 7:05 pm at the end of January.
Niue Weather in January(c)

Rainfall in January

Since January is in the middle of the wet season you should expect to get wet at some point during your trip. However, the silver lining is that due to the small size of the country, the weather pattern is extremely changeable. So expect short bursts of intense warm rain followed by hours of bright sunshine. Don’t forget to reapply sunscreen after getting drenched and enjoy your true tropical experience.

Niue receives an average of 276 mm / 10.9 in of rainfall in January with an average of 18 days out of the month experiencing some rain.

Rainfall in Alofi

  • Average rainfall in January: 276 mm / 10.9 in
  • Average rain days: 18
Niue Weather in January(c)

Tropical Storms in January

The South Pacific cyclone season starts in November and ends in April, making January a month with a higher risk of tropical storms. On average, less than 1 day in January in Niue is affected by tropical storms.

Historically, Niue was affected by a tropical cyclone in January in 1915, 1920, 1944, 1946, 1947, 1955, 1956 and Cyclone Tusi in 1987. In more recent history, Cyclone Heta in 2004 was a Category 5 cyclone that caused significant damage to coastal areas and destroyed the old settlement of Alofi. Other recent cyclones in January that have impacted Niue include Cyclone Tino, which produced damaging swells.

Nevertheless, Niue is well prepared for this kind of natural event as is shown by the very limited lives lost during Cyclone Heta. Should there be any concern your accommodation or tour staff will escort you to safe zones in higher ground and issue instructions.

See How to Prepare for a Cyclone in Niue for more advice.

Niue Weather in January(c) Niue Tourism

The Best Things to Do in January

Since January is an “off-season” month in Niue, you’ll get the feeling that you’ve got the whole island to yourself. It is a great time to make the most of the most popular attractions of the island without the crowds. Not that Niue ever really suffers from being crowded.

Snorkelling and Dolphin Watching – If it is forecast to rain (and the swells are still calm), you will get wet, so why not “really” get wet?! Hop on one of the snorkelling tours with the opportunity to encounter the happiest marine mammals in their natural habitat. The stunningly clear waters surrounding Niue make snorkelling and dolphin swimming an experience like no other!

Museums – As mentioned previously, the rainfall is likely to be abrupt but short, so a great option is to head to the small local museum to let the storm pass before getting back on your merry way. Fale Tau Taoga Niue in Alofi is Niue’s national museum with spectacular woven art and WWI relics. The Tahiono Art Gallery in Alofi is another great option to let the rain pass while gawking at superb local art.

Snorkelling – January offers some of the warmest waters Niue experiences, so it would be foolish not to make the most of it! There are several fabulous snorkelling spots around the island, all of which are excellent for a January dip. Check out the list of The Best Snorkelling Spots in Niue for a rundown of all your options.

If that’s enough, take a look at the 101 Things to Do in Niue: The Ultimate List.

Niue Weather in January(c)

January Packing List for Niue

Alright, so January is the month and you are heading to Niue. Here is our essential packing list for that specific month:

  • High-factor reef-safe sunscreen
  • Light bamboo, linen or merino layers (we like the sustainable bamboo clothing of Moso Morrow)
  • Light long-sleeved tops (to cover from sun and mosquitoes)
  • Light pants/trousers (to cover the knees when appropriate – church service, etc.)
  • Sunhat
  • Sunglasses
  • Insect repellent
  • Swimwear
  • Rash vest (we like the UV-protecting Sharkskin rashies)
  • Rain jacket or travel-sized umbrella
  • Closed walking shoes
  • Reef shoes
  • Sarong (paleu) or other light clothing to wear over your swimwear when passing through villages – see What are the Local Customs in Niue? for more information.

We’ve got a comprehensive packing list already ready for you over at The Complete Packing List for Niue, so check it out for more packing tips.

More About the Weather in Niue in January

That’s it for our complete guide to the weather and climate in Niue in January. Check out the following articles for more weather advice:

Finally, enjoy a comprehensive guide to planning a trip to Niue in The Best Niue Travel Guide: Plan a Trip to Niue the EASY Way.


Robin C.

This article was reviewed and published by Robin, the co-founder of Niue Pocket Guide. He has lived, worked and travelled across 16 different countries before settling in the South Pacific, so he knows a thing or two about planning the perfect trip in this corner of the world. He is also consulting regularly with Niue Tourism to ensure content accuracy. Robin is also the co-founder of several other South Pacific travel guides and is a regular host of webinars with the South Pacific Tourism Organisation.

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