A Travellers' Guide to Hitchhiking in Niue© NiuePocketGuide.com
A Travellers' Guide to Hitchhiking in Niue

A Travellers’ Guide to Hitchhiking in Niue

© NiuePocketGuide.com

Is it Safe to Hitchhike in Niue?

Hitchhiking is a fun and popular way to travel a country. Getting around somewhere for free and meeting interesting locals? Why not?! Niue is one of the rare places in the world where you don’t hear horror stories of hitchhiking. Although Niue is one of the safest places to hitchhike, there is still a small but potentially serious risk. We go over the hitchhiking culture in Niue, as well as a few pros, cons and safety tips in this complete guide to hitchhiking in Niue!

Do People Hitchhike in Niue?

With no public transportation in Niue, hitchhiking is certainly not unheard of even if is a rare form of transport as most locals own their own vehicle while tourists tend to opt for rental vehicles and bicycles.

Although Niue is a relatively safe place to hitchhike, and locals are generally happy to offer a ride, it’s the lack of traffic combined with the fact that drivers tend to not be travelling far that makes hitchhiking an unfavourable way to get around. We’ve heard hitchhikers’ stories of having to catch around 17 lifts to do a day trip around the island. Nevertheless, this can be a fun way to meet locals and explore the island if you have the patience.

A Travellers' Guide to Hitchhiking in Niue© NiuePocketGuide.com

The Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking in Niue

Like all ways of getting around, there are pros and cons of hitchhiking in Niue.

The Pros of Hitchhiking

  • It’s free (or you can offer to contribute a small amount for gas, although offers of payment will normally be refused)
  • It might be your only option if you don’t have a rental vehicle, as there is no public transportation in Niue
  • You will likely meet some interesting people
  • It’s more eco-friendly than using a vehicle all to yourself
  • It’s an adventure!

The Cons of Hitchhiking

  • It is usually time-consuming trying to get a lift
  • You might have to take several lifts to get to your destination, therefore taking more time
  • There is an element of risk
  • Someone else is in charge – so you can’t spontaneously stop for photos, for example
  • You have far less flexibility than having your own rental car.
A Travellers' Guide to Hitchhiking in Niue© NiuePocketGuide.com

Hitchhiking Safety in Niue

There’s no sugar-coating it: when you’re hitchhiking anywhere in the world, you’re taking a risk as you don’t know who you could end up in a vehicle with. Although there have been no public cases of hitchhikers having negative experiences in Niue, if you are going to do it, be sure to be savvy by following the following tips…

7 Safety Tips for Hitchhiking in Niue

  1. Never hitchhike alone
  2. Don’t hitchhike at night
  3. Engage in conversation before getting in the car, allowing time for your instinct to determine whether you should wait for the next car or not
  4. Don’t accept a lift if you get bad vibes from the driver
  5. If you start to feel uncomfortable, come up with an excuse to be dropped off immediately. Saying that you’re going to be sick is a good one
  6. Take a picture of the vehicle registration before you get in (ask first and only get in if they accept) and message it to a trusted contact. Even if you have no network to send the picture, it’s more to show the driver how cautious you’re being
  7. Have a “Plan B” – if you are unsuccessful at hitchhiking, have an alternative transport; check out Niue Transport Guide: 11 Ways to Get Around Niue for your options.

More About Getting Around Niue

That’s all we have to say about hitchhiking in Niue. If you’re wondering about some more reliable but cheap ways of getting around, check out our other transport guides:

Finally, compare all your travel options in our Niue Transport Guide: 11 Ways to Get Around Niue.


Robin C.

This article was reviewed and published by Robin, the co-founder of Niue Pocket Guide. He has lived, worked and travelled across 16 different countries before settling in the South Pacific, so he knows a thing or two about planning the perfect trip in this corner of the world. He is also consulting regularly with Niue Tourism to ensure content accuracy. Robin is also the co-founder of several other South Pacific travel guides and is a regular host of webinars with the South Pacific Tourism Organisation.

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